AMBER Alerts

AMBER Alerts are issued when a child has been abducted and is believed to be at risk for serious bodily harm or death.
Once the police receive a missing person’s report and a description of the missing person, the information is broadcast via radio, television, and electronic highway signs through the Emergency Alert System (EAS). The plan alerts the public as quickly as possible to the disappearance so everyone may assist in the search and for the safe return of the individual.
As part of the Lottery’s commitment to social responsibility, the CT Lottery partnered with the EAS to provide assistance in the event that an AMBER Alert is issued in our state.
During an Alert, the CT Lottery will:
- Send an immediate message to approximately 2,800 Lottery Retailers statewide.
- Ask Retailers to print and post copies of the message in their store.
- Re-broadcast the message to retailers every half-hour for the first ninety minutes.
- Continue to send the message every hour after that, for up to five hours.
- Display the message statewide on Lottery in-store display monitors